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Monday, April 4, 2016

Simple Stomach Exercises For Beginners

Sure, walking around in a bikini with a flat stomach is great, but the real benefit to losing belly fat has nothing to do with swimsuit season.
For years, doctors have warned against expanding waistlines, noting that excess stomach fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
In the video above by Spry Living, trainer Natalie Jill shares five exercises that will firm up a soft stomach. Using a combination of planks, twists and crunches, these moves do more than flatten your belly, they also help to carve that sexy hourglass shape you've always dreamed of having. And the best part is, there's no equipment required — and it's completely safe for beginners!
While toning exercises are great for improving your strength and body confidence, there's a reason people say abs are made in the kitchen. If you work out but still follow a poor diet, you won't be burning enough calories to lose weight. So check out our list of ab-flattening foods in addition to doing the workout above, and you'll start seeing results in no time.

Coconut Wraps Benefits: The Perks Of Switching To This Low-Carb Alternative

Not only do coconut wraps keep you from feeling bloated, but they serve as ahealthier low-carb alternative to bread or tortillas.
Coconut is rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals and the same goes for coconut wraps. Although some nutrients are lost in the dehydration process to make them, they are still healthier than traditional flour wraps.
Coconut wraps can be made at home fairly easily by placing coconut meat and sea salt into a food processor until it becomes mush, then adding coconut water until it becomes spreadable. Spread the coconut batter on parchment and place into a dehydrator until the wrap is dry but still pliable.
Since the wraps are made mainly from coconuts and with a bit of sea salt, they don't carry the same additives as regular wraps, with some brands having a shelf life of up to nine months.

Small Lifestyle Changes That Will Improve Your Health

Of the top five Canadian New Year's resolutions, living a healthier lifestyle is in the number one spot, according to Global Newsa.
Have you been sticking to your resolutions? If not, that's okay — every day is another opportunity to start making healthier decisions.
In fact, most Canadians don't follow through on their first try.
Three out of 10 Canadians have resolutions every year, but of that number 73 per cent eventually end up breaking them, according to an Ipsos poll.
But thanks to a video from ModaMob, there are 10 simple life hacks that will help you reach your health goals.
Watch the video above to find out more.

The Best 10-Minute Treadmill Workout That Tones The Entire Body

Most people will run on a treadmill for 30 minutes to an hour, which can be daunting for beginners and those with busy schedules (which is, of course, everyone). But the truth is, you can do more for your body on a treadmill, and in less time.
Thanks to David Siik from the SELF channel series "Burn 100," we can learn how to get a full body workout in 10 minutes — and still have time for a healthy breakfast before work.
The key? Intensify your run into different intervals during the workout.
Watch the video to find out how.

The Two Reasons Why People Start Practicing Yoga

There are two reasons why people start practicing yoga, according to urban wellness expert Charlotte Singmin: health and spirituality.
Yoga is known for increasing a person's flexibility, balance and muscle strength, among many other health benefits, but there's another draw — the practice of being mindful and building focus.
During a yoga session, you will be asked to set an intention
, or prepare a mantra like you would in meditation. While strengthening your body, you are asked to focus on that intention to better prepare yourself for achieving that goal.

Weight Loss Tips From Around The World

You might be tempted to dive into the latest diet trends or try a new workout regimen in an effort to lose weight, but the secret to weight loss could just be found in different countries around the world.
Thanks to a recent video from Eye Opener TV we can learn from weight-loss customs found in Thailand, Japan, Russia, France, England, Germany and Mexico.
In England, for example, restaurants generally serve smaller portion sizes than we're used to in Canada, while in Japan, it's not uncommon to leave food on your plate after you've "finished" your meal.

Naked Yoga Calgary Offers Valentine's Day Class For Couples

Adventurous Calgary couples can ditch their dinner date on Valentine's Day this year for something a little different.

Naked Yoga YYC is offering classes for couples to help them bond and connect, owner Katherine Medina told The Huffington Post Alberta.
"Getting in the door is the hard part," Medina advises couples who might be a little nervous. "The class is welcoming, you don't need any experience, and if you just try — that's the
biggest hurdle right there."
Medina has been offering naked yoga classes in Calgary for just over a year. The classes were initially just for women to promote body positivity, but have since expanded to be co-ed. 
Attendees at one of Katherine Medina's Naked Yoga classes. (Photo: Naked Yoga YYC)
Even though the classes are entirely non-sexual — Medina says they're more about stripping away distractions to focus on the practice — some studio owners have been put off.
"If we open our minds and our hearts a little bit we'll find it's just yoga," Medina said. "It's about being free... and spending the time with just you and your mat."
"When you have nothing else to think about it makes your practice a bit deeper."
She said most of her clients are repeat customers that got addicted after their first session.

March Break: How To Stay In Shape While On Vacation

March is a month of transitions. One day it's sunny and mild, while the next it's cold and snowy. It's enough to make anyone want to hide indoors until summer arrives.
But before you do that, remember that March also brings spring break! That glorious time we all look forward to and start planning for as soon as the holidays are over.
It's easy to lose ourselves in the holidays and forget our daily fitness routines, which why I've rounded up some simple workouts that you can easily sneak in to your day wherever you may be.
The Beach Vacation Workout
There's nothing like warming your body and spirit under the southern sunshine. And who doesn't love taking long walks in the warm sand or jumping into the waves whenever the mood strikes you? While you are probably getting a great workout without even trying (take a walk in the sand for about 10 minutes and you'll know what I mean), there are some moves you should be doing daily that will keep you at your best. 

Start by standing on the edge of a stair or a stool with your heels hanging off the side. Or, simply stand on the floor holding some weights. Inhale, engage your abdominal muscles and exhale while slowly rising onto the balls of your feet. Repeat 15 times. Now repeat the same move on your right foot, and then your left foot 10 times on each side. This strengthens your feet (for walking in the sand), your calves and your hamstrings.  

Lying on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle and your feet hip distance apart, take a breath in. Now engage your glutes and lift your hips off the floor as high as you can without arching your back. Without letting your hips drop, take your right leg and lift it up to the ceiling. Lower and lift it three to four inches three times, before placing your right foot back on the floor. Repeat with your left leg. Repeat the entire sequence 10 times with each leg. Not only will this work your hamstrings and glutes, but you should also feel your abdominal muscles contracting to stabilize your body. 

You can never go wrong with classic push ups. And your body will thank you especially if you are doing a lot of swimming or participating in water sports. When doing push ups, focus on keeping your shoulders lengthening down your back, and keeping your abdominal muscles engaged. Do as many as you can and finish your set on your knees to maximize the workout.
Skiing Vacation Workout
There's nothing like hitting the slopes and feeling the wind rush by you as you elegantly swoosh down the mountain side. But a day of skiing can leave you sore and stiff if you aren't prepared for it. While you shouldn't abandon your usual fitness routine, try incorporating these moves for some added strength training.
Squat jumps

Take your squats to the next level by adding a jump. Start standing with your feet a bit wider than hip distance apart, toes pointing forward. Bend your knees until you are in a deep squat position without letting your heels lift off the floor. Take a breath and, on your exhale, use the power in your legs to shoot your body into the air. Try to land softly on your feet while bending your knees to absorb the impact of the jump. Repeat 20 times. This is a great exercise that works your calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and helps to improve your cardio.  

We often forget about our back muscles, but they are an essential part of the muscle group that makes up our core. Lying on your stomach, place your hands under your forehead. Inhale and, on your exhale, lift your head, shoulders and chest off the floor in a long line. Hold the position. Reach your arms out to the sides for four counts, return your hands to your forehead and lower your torso back to the floor. Repeat 15 times. You can also do this exercise on a Swiss ball. This exercise works your abdominals and your back extensors.
Side-lying leg lifts with band

You will need a medium weight resistance band for this move. Simply tie the band around your ankles so there is some tension. Lying on your side, lift your top leg as high as you can without moving the rest of your body. Do 15 small pulses and return to your starting position. Repeat on the other side. Do each set three times.
Bonus: If you have more room, try standing with your feet hip distance apart, toes pointing forward, with the resistance band around them. Step sideways to your right. Do 15 steps (or as many as you can, room permitting) and then move to your left. Repeat each sequence three times. This move works your hip muscles and they will thank you for all the side to side movements you'll be doing as you work your way down the slopes.
Staycation Workout
Sometimes the best kind of vacation is the kind when you just stay at home. But instead of becoming one with your couch during your staycation, why not take this time to explore your city? Become a tourist and get off the beaten path. Who knows what great finds you'll discover? To keep your stamina up, give these moves a try.
Walking lunges:
Most cities have some hills or stairs, so keep your legs strong with walking lunges. Start with your feet hip distance apart, toes pointing forward and your hands on your hips. Take a big step forward with your right leg, while simultaneously bending your left knee until it almost touches the floor. Push off the floor with your left foot and return to your starting position. Repeat the move with your left foot. Repeat 15 times on each foot.

While exploring your city, you'll probably be lugging around a bag and some water, so in order to keep your abdominals strong, do some crunches regularly. But let's take them up a notch. Starting on your back with your feet in a tabletop position (bent at 90 degrees in the air and crossed if it bothers your hip flexors), hands behind your head for support only, take a breath and curl your torso off the floor, keeping your gaze at your knees. Hold and do eight small pulses before lowering yourself back to the floor. Repeat 20 times. When you are doing cr

unches, watch that you are not engaging your glutes (they should be relaxed) and that you are not pressing your stomach out, focus on keeping your abdominals lightly engaged the entire time.
Kneeling leg circles

Start in a kneeling position. Lower your right hand to the floor beside you as you lift your left leg to hip height. Keeping your body stable, do 10 circles in one direction, and then 10 in the other direction. Repeat on the right leg. Do the whole sequence three times on each leg. You'll feel this exercise pretty quickly in your hips.
Regardless of which March break vacation you choose, there is always a great workout that will help you get the most out of your precious leisure time!

Exercises That Can Help You Avoid Lower Back Pain

When you've got a sore back, you might not want to workout, but back exercises are exactly what you need.
In the video above by Golf Digest, we learn three simple moves that can help prevent lower back pain. Using a band, block and bench, pro golfer Paige Spiranac demonstrates how to strengthen your back muscles while strengthening your core at the same time.
According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 85 per cent of working Canadians will experience lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. And the causes range from sitting too long to weighing too much and of course, having bad overall posture.
While a strong back can certainly help with your golf swing, the benefits go far beyond the golf course. Back exercises not only relive pain and prevent injury, they increase flexibility, improve posture and even help reshape your waistline.
If the pain in your back is severe, you might want to skip your workout and opt for a massage or acupuncture instead. Better yet, maybe book the massage first and follow up with the exercise the next day!

How To Tone Your Arms With One Tough Push-Up

Push-ups may not be everyone's favourite exercise, but fitness lovers and rare gym-goers can both agree, they do wonders for your core and arms.
In the video above by Health.com and trainer Anna Kaiser, we learn how one killer push-up (seriously, it make take a few attempts to perfect this one), can lead to strong and lean arms.
Starting with a downward-facing V-shape and walking your toes and heels towards your hands, lower yourself into a push-up and pull yourself back up. Sound complicated? Check out the full move in the video above.
And if push-ups just aren't your thing, you can also find some success in different types of curls. The kettlebell hammer curl and the zottman curl, can also help tone your arms.
If you are doing zottman curls, remember: use dumbbells that are about 50 to 60 per cent of the weight you would normally use for standard curls — you don't want to injure yourself.